special edition


With a splash of blue, make a mosaic of Miami 2023.

A limited edition fine art print will be designed with the stamps from completed Postcards.

Assemble your team of 15 co-creators, scan the QR code, and start your MoMA Postcard journey!

Kicking off this project with a special collection, we asked 15 artists working at the intersection of art and technology to create their own set of Postcards.

Each artist started with a blank Postcard for which they created a prompt. The 15 cards were then passed among all 15 artists, each one evolving around its prompt as it traveled around the world, from one artist to the next, accruing one-of-a-kind stamps. Once each stamp was confirmed on the blockchain, it became a token of ownership over that Postcard, resulting in a set of simultaneously co-created and co-owned cards.

Traversing 35 cities, 11 countries and 5 continents, “MoMA Postcard First 15” is an act of borderless collaborative creativity, whose parts are as unique as they are equal to the whole.

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0 mi

Card titles are generated randomly using the following alphabet architecture: color – digital term – art term.

Visit objkt.com to see all postcard creations.